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Dear Reader, There are things I have not told you, entry from The Epistolary, May 12, 2023
Stephen Yusko: Forging Content, Metalsmith Magazine, Vol. 42 No. 2, September 23, 2022
First Place winner, All Ohio Excellence in Journalism, Art features, Press Club of Cleveland for Kim Chapman: Where Tragedy and Elegance Converge, CAN Journal, fall 2021
Comprehensive list of more than 200 features and articles for FreshWater 2010 – 2020
A day of emotion at the Justice for George Floyd march, for FreshWater, June 1, 2020
100 miles of the Towpath Trail – one step at a time, FreshWater, December 1, 2016
From Jocko Homo to Pee-wee’s Playhouse: it’s a beautiful world, FreshWater, June 9, 2016
On John O’Brien, the Los Angeles Times, July 2009
Model Citizen: Dress Up for Big Girls, Cleveland Scene, February 2009
Leaving Las Vegas Rearview, the Cleveland Free Times, April 2008